
Cigar Lockdown Package



This is a new and unique idea brought to you by the teams at La Palina, Room 101, Oliva, and Rocky Patel. For $125 you will receive the Cigar Lockdown Package which includes all the great cigars(20) and swag listed below, but also the opportunity to join the largest online smoking event with amazing raffles and giveaways. The Event will be hosted at on June 25th at 7pm. Login credentials for the event will be included with each Lockdown package. Cigar makers, Industry leaders, and special guests from around the globe will be in attendance at the event.
Your package will be shipped to you directly several days before the event or is available in store.
For $125 You Get:
10- Rocky Patel Cigars
5- Oliva Cigars
3- La Palina Cigars
2- Room 101 Cigars
10 – Raffle Tickets To be Drawn During The Online Event, June 25th At 7PM for a Chance to Win Over $5000 In Prizes!


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